Article 6116

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Filippov Kirill Borisovich, Head of the legal department, Penza State University
(40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Barabash Ol'ga Vladimirovna, Candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, sub-department of pedagogy and psychology of professional education, Penza State University
(40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. Corruption is one of the greatest threats to economic safety of concrete business entities. Importance of the problem of economic safety assurance in the aspect of counteracting corruption is caused by the fact that each corruptive action is followed by anumber of diverse negative consequences. Provision f economic safety of business entities in the aspect of counteracting corruption requires strict attention by both the state and “the business community” itself. The aim of the present research to make an attempt and elaborate a complex of linguistic and legal recommendations on reduction of organizations’ economic risks concerning corruption manifestations. The set goal requires solution of the following tasks: to analyze legal norms on organizations’ responsibility for corruption manifestations and to develop solutions on improvement thereof in legal and linguistic aspects; to reveal mechanisms of reduction of organizations’ economic risks concerning corruption manifestations.
Materials and methods. The research tasks were implemented on the basis of the analysis of sufficiency and effectiveness of individual international legal norms, the active Russian laws in the field of normative legal regulation of corruption counteraction, as well as all sorts of methodological recommendations. The authors used
methods of comparative-legal analysis enabling comparison of the content of the legal norms under consideration; the method of linguistic analysis of texts allowing to evaluate communicative qualities of normative legal acts, effective within the legal institution under consideration.
Results. The research has revealed certain drawbacks of legal regulation in the field of corruption counteraction. The authors have formulated recommendations to reduce corruption risks of organizations.
Conclusions. On the basis of the analysis carried out the researchers suggest to define administrative legal norms on responsibility of legal entities for corruption manifestation more precisely, as well as to implement recommendations on corruption risks reduction at organizations.

Key words

corruption, responsibility, economic safety, conflict of interests, legal entities.

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Дата создания: 26.08.2016 13:08
Дата обновления: 26.08.2016 14:30